I wonder if I put a few words here?

Blog 3 – Augmented Reality and its applications in education

This week’s reading on augmented reality (AR) got me to thinking of my own experiences using this technology in the classroom. In particular the usage of AR as a supplemental aspect to lectures in my organic chemistry classes. Within our lecture books we were able to scan a QR code that was printed onto the notes and that would bring up a 3D model of the molecule we would be able to manipulate freely. This was a big help in learning how to visualize the molecules as they aren’t represented 100% accurately when drawn on paper.

Speaking from my own experiences AR is an excellent tool and a very accessible technology to utilize in the classroom as all you need at the minimum is an internet connection and a smartphone which almost everyone already has. AR is also a relatively new in the context of an educational setting and as research into its applications continues we may soon see widespread use of this technology as it becomes more cost-effective in the future. However, it is worth mentioning that we may see a shift in how big of a role AR will play in a classroom. From being more of a supplemental tool to potentially being the main form of delivery for lessons once the technology becomes integrated with lesson plans.


Garzón, J., Pavón, J., & Baldiris, S. (2019, February 14). Systematic review and meta-analysis of augmented reality in educational settings. Retrieved from https://doi-org.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca/10.1007/s10055-019-00379-9

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1 Comment

  1. kaylasawchenko

    I found your post interesting. I agreed with your point that technology is reachable for most individuals. That allows for increased use of AR which could potentially shift its focus more and more into an educational context.

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